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Game sheet of Zweep (file), Game of July 12, 2012 at 03:58

Word find
Word played
1 ADEFNTT FATTED H4 28   28 1/1       28 1/1
2 ?ACINOZ ZIT 6F 32 -75 60 1/1 CA(N)ONIZE 8A 107 135 1/1
3 AILLNSW WAIS I5 37 -29 97 1/1 INWALLS I9 66 201 1/1
4 AEEGIMW IMAGES 15D 30 -12 127 1/1 MEAWES 15D 42 243 1/1
5 DEJPRTY JETTY 6F 39 -19 166 1/1 PREDY 14B 58 301 1/1
6 ADELNOU DE 15A 13 -31 179 1/1 UNLAWED 11E 44 345 1/1
7 ?EGOTUX TUX 6H 26 -41 205 1/1 (O)XTO(N)GUE C4 67 412 1/1
8 AEERSTV VEST 12A 37 -35 242 1/1 VETERANS E2 72 484 1/1
9 AILMORT MOT B10 23 -14 265 1/1 AMORT 13C 37 521 1/1
10 BDEILTU BAITED 5G 18 -16 283 1/1 BALED 12H 34 555 1/1
11 AAGINOY YOGA 13K 26 -4 309 1/1 YAG B10 30 585 1/1
12 HIKOPQS QI 15A 37 -3 346 1/1 QOPH B1 40 625 1/1
13 BCINOSU BINS G3 18 -8 364 1/1 BH(O)OTS 4A 26 651 1/1
14 HNNORSU SHORN J5 20 -52 384 1/1 UNSHORN J3 72 723 1/1
15 AEFIIKO FIKE 13K 32   416 1/1       755 1/1
16 AIJNORT JO 15A 31 -11 447 1/1 JUNIOR 3I 42 797 1/1
17 ACGIOTV COVET N10 32 -6 479 1/1 AVOCET N9 38 835 1/1
18 EEGIIRU RIG O7 15 -8 494 1/1 REJIG I1 23 858 1/1

Total: 494/858 or -364 for 57.57%
Rank: 6437

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