P**F."> P**F.">
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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of July 24, 2012 at 10:16

Word find
Word played
1 EFKLORW             REFLOW H7 32 32  
2 ?ADEEIU DUE(S) 13E 17 -47 17 1/2 AUDI(T)EE G2 64 96 2/2
3 CDEINRT WINCED 12H 24 -70 41 2/2 INDICTER 5D 94 190 2/2
4 AFGKLOU FAKE J2 19 -23 60 2/2 FOLK 4A 42 232 2/2
5 CGMNOOP P**F A1 27 -1 87 2/2 MOOD F2 28 260 2/2
6 AGMNORT             FROGMAN A4 39 299 2/2
7 BEERSVW             REFLOWERS H7 45 344 2/2
8 AEENORV             OVENWARE 12D 78 422 2/2
9 ABILQTW             QAT H1 44 466 2/2
10 ?ADEEXY             EXED(R)AE 13H 66 532 2/2
11 AILNNPS             OPALS 11H 37 569 2/2
12 ABCHIPT             HAPTIC 4J 39 608 2/2
13 DEGIISU             DISGUISE 15F 61 669 2/2
14 IINRSTW             TWINERS N9 47 716 2/2
15 AOTUUYY             YAY B8 39 755 2/2
16 BEHIJOO             JIBE O6 41 796 2/2
17 AHINOTZ             ZOIC O1 45 841 2/2
18 AGILNOU             LINGUA 14A 23 864 2/2
19 BEHNOTT             HENT 6J 35 899 2/3

Total: 87/899 or -812 for 9.677%
Rank: -

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