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Game sheet of SQUAW1 (file), Game of August 30, 2012 at 15:58

Word find
Word played
1 ?AFGPRU             FRAP(E) H4 26 26  
2 EHLRSUW             FLUSHER 4H 26 52  
3 DEGINOZ DOZEN M1 30 -43 30 3/4 AGONIZED 6H 73 125 4/5
4 ABDEIOT DEBIT O6 24 -10 54 3/4 TEAZED M3 34 159 4/5
5 AABESST BETS O1 36 -9 90 2/4 ABASED O1 45 204 4/5
6 EIILNSV             OLIVINES J6 63 267 4/5
7 CEOORST CORSETS 13G 26 -54 116 2/4 CREOSOT(E) 8A 80 347 4/5
8 DEHNOOX HEX 9A 47   163 2/3       394 3/5
9 BDEIOTY DEY 8M 21 -27 184 3/4 OBESITY E5 48 442 3/5
10 ?AAGINW W(O)NT 10B 37 -41 221 1/4 WA(N)IGANS 13C 78 520 3/5
11 CEEPRWY CRAPY H11 39 -9 260 4/5 WEEPY F2 48 568 3/6
12 AACEJNT JANE H12 57   317 2/5       625 3/6
13 AACEINT CAT 12B 19 -43 336 2/4 ACTINIAE 10G 62 687 3/6
14 DFKLOOT FOOT 12A 31 -11 367 2/4 KLOOF D1 42 729 3/6
15 ADDRRTU DRAD 12A 27   394 3/4 DARK 1A   756 3/6
16 DGIMRUV DUG 8M 15 -14 409 3/3 VIE 7C 29 785 3/6
17 DGILMTU             IT 10B 23 808 3/6
18 DNORTUU TOD 12B 19 -9 428 2/3 DONUT 14B 28 836 3/6
19 GILMOQR QI 15A 36   464 1/3       872 3/6
20 GLMORUU MOAN D11 19 -3 483 3/3 GOLEM 3C 22 894 3/6

Total: 483/894 or -411 for 54.02%
Rank: 6917

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