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Game sheet of ginie (file), Game of August 31, 2012 at 13:22

Word find
Word played
1 EFIORTY FORTY H8 30 -2 30 1/1 FERITY H7 32 32 1/1
2 ?DDEORS DRE(S)SED 8F 10 -70 40 2/2 E(N)DORSED 8H 80 112 2/2
3 ABEORST BEDS J6 13 -77 53 2/2 ABETTORS 11D 90 202 2/2
4 AJLOTUW JET F10 26 -22 79 1/1 JOWL 12A 48 250 2/2
5 EFHILST             FETISH 13B 50 300 2/2
6 ?AEINNO             DE(M)ONIAN O8 77 377 2/2
7 AEGLOPS             GOLPE N11 33 410 2/2
8 BDDEILS             BEDSIDE N2 26 436 2/2
9 AGHOPQX AXE F9 26 -26 105 1/1 HOX O1 52 488 1/2
10 AAIMMNT             MAINMAST 5H 74 562 1/2
11 AINOTTZ             ZOA M3 65 627 1/2
12 AAILNPR             AIRPLANE F4 64 691 1/2
13 AEEOTUY YETI 5C 14 -10 119 1/1 UTE 14A 24 715 1/2
14 EINRTUU NU 6J 10 -18 129 1/1 TRIUNE 15C 28 743 1/2
15 ACIKLRV             CALK E2 34 777 1/2
16 AEGNQRV             GRAVEL 8A 42 819 1/2
17 AEINOQU             AEQUORIN B3 71 890 1/2
18 CEIUVWY             VIEW A1 53 943 1/2

Total: 129/943 or -814 for 13.67%
Rank: 4554

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