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Game sheet of kellybelly (file), Game of September 6, 2012 at 08:53

Word find
Word played
1 ADEGHKP PAGED H4 24 -12 24 1/3 KHEDA H4 36 36 1/3
2 AINSWWY SWANKY 4D 32 -41 56 1/3 WINDWAYS 7E 73 109 1/3
3 AGNOOQR GRAY K4 16 -15 72 3/3 QI F6 31 140 3/3
4 BEEINTV NIEVE 8A 41   113 1/4       181 1/4
5 AACEGNR CAGEY K3 22 -56 135 3/4 CARAGEEN C3 78 259 1/4
6 ?AFGOTZ ZOA 6J 70 -1 205 1/4 F(E)Z B4 71 330 1/4
7 EEOOPRT REP D4 38 -40 243 1/4 PROTEOSE L1 78 408 1/4
8 ?AGIOTX TAX D4 53 -3 296 1/4 IXORA(S) 2I 56 464 1/4
9 CDELRTU CRUDE 1F 36 -3 332 2/4 CURLED 1D 39 503 1/4
10 ADEILLV WEAVED E7 26 -40 358 1/4 ANVILLED 10B 66 569 1/4
11 DHIMNOT PHON 1L 33 -6 391 2/4 ETHION H10 39 608 1/4
12 ADEORTT DOOR 6J 21 -53 412 2/4 THROATED 12G 74 682 1/4
13 EFINOSU FINOS 3I 50   462 1/4       732 1/4
14 AEGIMOS SAG D4 35 -45 497 1/4 OOGAMIES 14H 80 812 1/4
15 ABELMNO BOOM 6J 29 -60 526 1/4 NOBLEMAN 15A 89 901 1/4
16 BEGIRRU BEG D4 43   569 1/4       944 1/4
17 JORRSUY JO 14B 40 -9 609 2/4 JUROR 11K 49 993 1/4
18 IIPSTUU TUP 10L 29   638 1/4 TIP 10L   1022 1/4

Total: 638/1022 or -384 for 62.42%
Rank: 6859

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