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Game sheet of jimbo (file), Game of September 6, 2012 at 13:29

Word find
Word played
1 DEENORY             YONDER H4 28 28  
2 ?ABENOR             (S)EABORNE 8A 86 114  
3 DEEFINV             ADVENE C8 24 138  
4 ?AEGIMO             (C)AMOGIE(S) A1 80 218  
5 AEINOST             (C)ANOEIST 1A 74 292  
6 AENRRUY             RENAY D11 32 324  
7 DEMOPST YOMPED 15D 42 -37 42 1/3 STOMPED 10H 79 403 3/3
8 ACEISTU YEAST 15D 24 -50 66 1/3 AUTECISM K3 74 477 3/3
9 BCEIIKN DICKIE N10 26 -25 92 1/2 BICKIE 8J 51 528 3/3
10 ADFISTZ ZEST 6J 33 -19 125 1/2 ZITS L1 52 580 3/3
11 AEGINRX ZING 1L 42 -9 167 1/3 YEXING 15D 51 631 2/3
12 ADEJLPR AD 14F 19 -25 186 2/2 JEOPARD E6 44 675 2/3
13 AHILTUV AH J5 28 -11 214 1/2 ZILA 1L 39 714 2/3
14 FILQTUW FINED 12A 13 -16 227 2/2 IF B5 29 743 2/3
15 AGILRTW AX F14 11 -21 238 2/2 AWAIT 2A 32 775 2/3
16 AGHLOUW             AROW F7 34 809 2/3
17 GHLORRU             PLOUGH L10 32 841 2/3
18 LOQRTUV             QUOTER O4 25 866 2/3
19 FHLLRUV             HUI N6 29 895 2/3

Total: 238/895 or -657 for 26.59%
Rank: 5294

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