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Game sheet of musdrive (file), Game of September 6, 2012 at 14:59

Word find
Word played
1 ?EGORUW WRO(N)G H4 24 -54 24 1/4 OU(T)GREW H6 78 78 1/4
2 AELNRWY             UNWARELY 7H 66 144 4/5
3 EFIKPSS             PIKEYS O3 48 192 4/5
4 DINORSV             VIRANDOS K4 98 290 5/5
5 ADEIIRT             WAIDE J7 27 317 5/5
6 AEFNTUY             FLUEY N6 42 359 5/5
7 ?INNPTT             P(A)TIN M9 29 388 5/5
8 ADIILNT             DILATING 9A 62 450 5/7
9 BEIMORS             BROMIDES A4 98 548 7/7
10 AEELRXZ             ZAX 8D 61 609 7/7
11 ENRTTTU             ZANTE D8 28 637 7/7
12 CHIOQTU             QUIT L12 52 689 7/7
13 BDEJNOT             OBJET 15H 42 731 7/7
14 ACEGORT             GREATCOAT E1 74 805 7/7
15 CEGLMOS             COGGLES 1B 39 844 7/7
16 DEFMNOT             FOMENTED 3B 84 928 7/7
17 AHLORUV             OVULAR 2I 37 965 7/7
18 AAAEHHI             HAH 1M 34 999 7/7

Total: 24/999 or -975 for 2.402%
Rank: -

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