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Game sheet of PoppyJ (file), Game of September 7, 2012 at 18:56

Word find
Word played
1 ACENNSW WANES H4 24   24 1/1       24 1/1
2 ?AEILOT (B)ETA I3 12 -62 36 2/2 I(S)OLATES 8A 74 98 1/2
3 EINNORS             IRONNES(S) B1 68 166 2/2
4 ILOSTUW LOWEST G5 27 -45 63 2/2 OUTWILLS D3 72 238 2/2
5 ?AEIKOS KAS A1 43 -30 106 2/3 (S)TOKESIA F7 73 311 2/3
6 ABCCMOR             BOMA A1 48 359 2/3
7 AAGMNOO             GAN C1 29 388 2/3
8 ADEEHTU             UNHEATED 6G 68 456 3/3
9 BDEILRT             BRITTLED L2 74 530 3/3
10 AEGGNTV             VENTAGE 11E 44 574 3/3
11 ACDIMNO             NOMADIC 12I 89 663 3/3
12 CEGPRYY             CREEPY 8J 39 702 3/3
13 AEFIPQR             FIBRE 2J 36 738 3/3
14 AEGLPRT             PARGET 1F 34 772 3/3
15 EILOVXY             COXY O12 48 820 3/3
16 EFLOUVZ             VOILE N10 52 872 3/3
17 FHIQRUZ             QUA K4 39 911 3/3
18 DFHIIRU             DUH O2 23 934 3/3

Total: 106/934 or -828 for 11.34%
Rank: -

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