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Game sheet of Grace_Tjie (file), Game of September 16, 2012 at 11:45

Word find
Word played
1 ?EIILOR             LIRIO(P)E H3 64 64  
2 ?ENQTVZ             Q(U)INZE 6F 63 127  
3 ADHLOSW             WALDOS L1 52 179  
4 AFIPRRT             FIRETRAP 9E 65 244  
5 EEIORSV REWOVE 1J 36 -140 36 1/1 OVERWISE 1H 176 420 2/2
6 DGGIORS             DORIS 8K 29 449 2/2
7 ABCEINO BONE 5K 20 -62 56 1/1 COINABLE 3B 82 531 1/2
8 AAEIMTU             AECIUM B1 32 563 1/2
9 AGLMNOT             AMONG A4 38 601 1/2
10 EHNSTXY             EX 2I 56 657 2/3
11 ADHNOPT             PATH 1A 39 696 2/3
12 DEEINTU             UNITED 10A 25 721 2/3
13 AACELOW             WEAL 11E 36 757 2/3
14 CEKORST             STOCKERS O8 107 864 2/3
15 AELOTTU TEAS 15L 5 -72 61 2/2 TOLUATES 15H 77 941 2/3
16 DEHJNUY             UEY 2D 35 976 2/4
17 AABIJNV             AJIVA 12H 35 1011 2/4
18 BDFGHNY             HOY 7G 34 1045 3/4

Total: 61/1045 or -984 for 5.837%
Rank: -

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