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Game sheet of Grace_Tjie (file), Game of October 1, 2012 at 15:15

Word find
Word played
1 ?BEGINT             BEIGN(E)T H4 74 74  
2 AIKMNRT             RAMEKIN 5E 52 126  
3 EILOSST             SOILIEST J1 62 188  
4 DIMOOPR             PRODROMI E4 76 264  
5 ?CENRSU             UNSCRE(W)S 1H 140 404  
6 AEJSTYZ             ZESTY D9 51 455  
7 AADHIRT             TAIAHA F2 39 494  
8 ADGILRT GAD C7 24 -4 24 2/2 DRAG C7 28 522 3/3
9 ALOOPTU             POOL B6 30 552 3/3
10 AEEHINU NAH C13 22 -8 46 1/2 THEINE 8J 30 582 3/3
11 DEELNRX EXED 7L 44   90 1/2       626 3/3
12 AABEITU AB C12 24 -7 114 1/2 BATEAU A1 31 657 3/3
13 AFIJOTW JEE L6 10 -25 124 2/2 WOF B2 35 692 3/3
14 ACEORUW             CAW C1 34 726 3/3
15 DLNOTUV NOD C13 18 -8 142 1/2 VIOLD 3I 26 752 3/3
16 AFLNQTU QUAT 12A 23 -9 165 1/1 QUAY 13A 32 784 3/3
17 EGINRTV             ENERVING N7 28 812 3/3
18 AEILRUY QUA A13 36   201 1/1       848 2/3
19 EEFINRT FINER G9 23 -52 224 1/2 FEINTER I9 75 923 2/3

Total: 224/923 or -699 for 24.26%
Rank: 7074

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