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Game sheet of musdrive (file), Game of October 2, 2012 at 22:29

Word find
Word played
1 ?BEENRT BERET H4 20 -52 20 1/1 BENT(I)ER H4 72 72 1/1
2 ABDEIOR BRIBED 4H 22 -47 42 1/1 DEBONAIR 6D 69 141 1/1
3 AEEIIKL KEEL 5J 26 -4 68 1/1 ALKIE L2 30 171 1/1
4 AEIILOT TILE 1L 26 -6 94 1/1 IOLITE 1H 32 203 1/1
5 DEERSUU SURED 5A 21 -3 115 1/1 RESTED 7E 24 227 1/1
6 AEEIQRS QIS 2F 34   149 1/1       261 1/1
7 EMRSTUU MUTER 8A 27 -14 176 1/1 TURMES 8A 41 302 1/1
8 ?AADLPW PAW 5C 33 -40 209 1/1 (G)LADWRAP 10C 73 375 1/1
9 DEFINOO FOODIE 11B 37   246 1/1 FONE 5E   412 1/1
10 ACCIMST             MASTIC K8 34 446 1/1
11 AEGORTU             TUTORAGE A8 80 526 1/1
12 HIORTUY             MYTHI 8K 51 577 1/1
13 AGNNPWY             YAWING 12H 34 611 1/1
14 CDEFHNO             CHODE 14J 48 659 1/1
15 AEIPRUV             PERV 15L 48 707 1/1
16 AFIJNOX             FOX 13G 47 754 1/2
17 AEGJNOZ             GAZE 14D 39 793 1/2
18 AILNNOU             NOUN 15E 31 824 1/2
19 AIJLNUV             JAI C13 35 859 1/2

Total: 246/859 or -613 for 28.63%
Rank: 6956

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