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Game sheet of musdrive (file), Game of November 29, 2012 at 23:50

Word find
Word played
1 AERRSTW WATERS H4 26   26 1/2 WASTER H4   26 1/2
2 BLOOUVY BOYO 10F 28 -2 54 1/2 VLY 10F 30 56 1/2
3 ?DFIRSU W(A)IFS 4H 20 -75 74 1/1 (S)URFSIDE 8A 95 151 1/2
4 ADEEGHT WHEAT 4H 22 -58 96 1/2 GATHERED C3 80 231 1/2
5 ADENSTU NUDES B2 31 -43 127 1/2 UNWASTED 4F 74 305 1/2
6 AELNNRX AXEL 5K 38   165 1/2       343 1/2
7 EILMNOR MONIE 6K 32 -53 197 1/2 MISENROL 6F 85 428 1/2
8 ?CEOQST Q(U)OTE D1 55 -15 252 1/2 ROCQ(U)ETS 9H 70 498 1/2
9 ADEGIOR QADI K9 28 -5 280 1/1 ROADIE B1 33 531 1/2
10 EFIJLPR JEU F2 26 -16 306 1/1 J(U)LEP L8 42 573 1/2
11 AAEEIMR REAMIER 1B 30 -6 336 1/2 SEAMIER O9 36 609 1/2
12 ACNOOPY CRAYON 1A 45   381 1/1       654 1/2
13 AHINNOT AH D3 28 -15 409 1/1 HILT 10J 43 697 1/2
14 EGINOTW OWE N13 26 -19 435 1/1 CRAYONING 1A 45 742 1/2
15 ABEINVW AW D3 28 -2 463 1/1 INWEAVE 14I 30 772 1/2
16 ABBINOR AB D3 24 -11 487 1/1 ROBBIN 15D 35 807 1/2
17 AIOOPUZ ZOA 13I 51   538 1/1 ZOO 13I   858 1/2
18 AGIKOPU OKA D3 37   575 1/1       895 1/2
19 FGIPTUU FI(S)T A6 15 -8 590 1/1 FIG 7M 23 918 1/2

Total: 590/918 or -328 for 64.27%
Rank: 7262

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