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File of tammy

Rating: -
Victory: 0
Second place: 0
Third place: 0

Game played at top: 0
Longest consecutive games played at top: 0
Longest consecutive word played at top: 0
Percentage of words played at top: 0/16
Percentage of words played at the best place: 5/9 or 55.55%
Percentage of points found from the top: 37.38%

Percentage of top found when there is a unique top: 0/14

Percentage of top found when top is a Legendre 6x: 0/1
Percentage of top found when top is a Legendre 4x: 0/1
Percentage of top found when top is a double-double: -
Percentage of top found when top is a triple-triple: -

Percentage of points when a bingo was possible: 33/166 or 19.87%
Percentage of points when the top was a unique bingo: -
Percentage of top found when top is a 7 letter bingo: 0/1
Percentage of top found when top is a 8 letter bingo: 0/1
Percentage of top found when top is a 9 letter bingo: -
Percentage of top found when top is a 10 letter bingo: -

Average time for each word played: 1:13
Average time for each word played when played at top: -

 161/471 or 34.18%49/82 or 59.75%26/117 or 22.22%46/117 or 39.31%151/417 or 36.21%35/119 or 29.41%72/155 or 46.45%20/82 or 24.39%129/329 or 39.20%-14/23 or 60.86%103/249 or 41.36%14/84 or 16.66%57/244 or 23.36%156/364 or 42.85%24/31 or 77.41%49/82 or 59.75%40/165 or 24.24%41/131 or 31.29%86/218 or 39.44%106/216 or 49.07%29/52 or 55.76%38/53 or 71.69%27/91 or 29.67%41/168 or 24.40%23/50 or 46.00%43/132 or 32.57%-194/502 or 38.64%

 [1 pt] -[2 pts] -[3 pts] -[4 pts] -[5 pts] -[6 pts] -[7 pts] -[8 pts] -[9 pts] -[10 pts] -[11 pts] -[12 pts] -[13 pts] -[14 pts] -[15 pts] -[16 pts] -[17 pts] -[18 pts] -[19 pts] -[20 pts] -[21 pts] -[22 pts] 19/44 or 43.18%[23 pts] 14/23 or 60.86%[24 pts] 14/24 or 58.33%[25 pts] -[26 pts] 8/26 or 30.76%[27 pts] -[28 pts] 18/56 or 32.14%[29 pts] -[30 pts] 10/30 or 33.33%[31 pts] 24/31 or 77.41%[32 pts] 26/32 or 81.25%[33 pts] 13/33 or 39.39%[34 pts] -[35 pts] -[36 pts] -[37 pts] -[38 pts] -[39 pts] -[40 pts] -[41 pts] -[42 pts] -[43 pts] -[44 pts] -[45 pts] -[46 pts] -[47 pts] -[48 pts] -[49 pts] -[50 pts] 23/50 or 46.00%[51 pts] -[52 pts] -[53 pts] -[54 pts] -[55 pts] -[56 pts] 11/56 or 19.64%[57 pts] -[58 pts] -[59 pts] -[60 pts] -[61 pts] -[62 pts] -[63 pts] 24/63 or 38.09%[64 pts] -[65 pts] -[66 pts] -[67 pts] -[68 pts] -[69 pts] -[70 pts] -[71 pts] -[72 pts] -[73 pts] -[74 pts] -[75 pts] -[76 pts] -[77 pts] -[78 pts] -[79 pts] -[80 pts] -[81 pts] -[82 pts] 20/82 or 24.39%[83 pts] -[84 pts] 13/84 or 15.47%[85 pts] -[86 pts] -[87 pts] -[88 pts] -[89 pts] -[90 pts] -[91 pts] -[92 pts] -[93 pts] -[94 pts] -[95 pts] -[96 pts] -[97 pts] -[98 pts] -[99 pts] -[100 pts] -[101 pts] -[102 pts] -[103 pts] -[104 pts] -[105 pts] -[106 pts] -[107 pts] -[108 pts] -[109 pts] -[110 pts] -[111 pts] -[112 pts] -[113 pts] -[114 pts] -[115 pts] -[116 pts] -[117 pts] -[118 pts] -[119 pts] -[120 pts] -[121 pts] -[122 pts] -[123 pts] -[124 pts] -[125 pts] -[126 pts] -[127 pts] -[128 pts] -[129 pts] -[130 pts] -[131 pts] -[132 pts] -[133 pts] -[134 pts] -[135 pts] -[136 pts] -[137 pts] -[138 pts] -[139 pts] -[140 pts] -[141 pts] -[142 pts] -[143 pts] -[144 pts] -[145 pts] -[146 pts] -[147 pts] -[148 pts] -[149 pts] -[150 pts] - [151 pts +] -

 [2 letters] -[2 letters] -[3 letters] 27/80 or 33.75%[3 letters] -[4 letters] -[4 letters] 5/22 or 22.72%[5 letters] 100/170 or 58.82%[5 letters] -[6 letters] 48/133 or 36.09%[6 letters] -[7 letters] 24/63 or 38.09%[7 letters] 20/82 or 24.39%[8 letters] 13/84 or 15.47%[8 letters] -[9 letters] -[9 letters] -[10 letters] -[10 letters] -[11 letters] -[11 letters] -[12 letters] -[12 letters] -[13 letters] -[13 letters] -[14 letters] -[14 letters] -[15 letters] -[15 letters] -

(*) Percentage and average results of the last 100 games when this player played a word.


The 2 games where at least one word was played:
May 5, 2011 at 22:48, rtng 4372, 1st at -620, 2 players May 5, 2011 at 21:59, rtng -, 1st at -871, 1 player

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